Sabtu, 25 April 2015


Finally I have my own blog!!!

Hello, I'm 23 y.o woman.
Yes, I'm a woman. Not a girl anymore.

I'm a well educated woman. I've graduate from a most popular university in my town. STIKS Tarakanita. Most expensive too. Haha. (Thanks God, my Mom & Dad can paid my college until I graduate). I've been work for about 3 companies in my age. I've work for about 2 years.

Being rich woman is my dream.
Is there any woman didn't want to become rich ? bullsh*t (Haha).
But they choose their own way to become rich.
And I choose to work hard as  secretary to become rich. even i know its quite impossible Haha..

When I got my first salary, I feel soooooooooo Happy.
even it just survived forr only two weeks. Hahaha..

And now, I can go anywhere I want, buy anything I want.
I'm Happy!! Thanks God. Thanks Jesus!!

When I was a kid, I'm a super uncommunicative girl.
When I feel happy I just smile or laugh, When I feel sad I just crying on the sly.
I never told others what I feel. The only things that they know is I'm a cheerful girl.
I don't know why, But I feel better when no one knows what I really feel.
And that's happen until now.

I think I've wrote a lo bout my self.
That's it. Thanks for reading.
Bye!! :)

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